Your audience doesn't always want to read too many words. Truth be told, everyone who spends a fairly amount of time on the Internet has a short attention span. Therefore, in order to get the attention of your target market, you need to take full advantage of what visual content can do.
Video marketing can be used in so many ways to drive traffic to your website, and connect your audience to your services or products at the same time.
If you want to include visual content into your marketing strategy, but you just don't know how to get started, then stick around, because I'm just about to show you how to do it, and what types of videos you can create.
Video Tip #1: Create Product Review Videos
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but what about a video? If you ask me, it should be worth a whole lot more than that.
Showing your product in action is something that can make or break the buying decision of a visitor. Statistics show that over 70% of website visitors are more likely to make a purchase after watching a product video.
Video Tip #2: Create How To Videos
Product videos are a little bit different than how-to videos. While the first ones show the visitor what are the product's features and its main benefits, how-to videos focus more on every single detail of the product's features.
You can create how-to videos even if you don't have a product. If you want to teach your audience something, then this type of video is the way to go. If you reach the objective of solving someone's problem through the video, then they will be more inclined to buy the product that you talk about. In fact, 1 in 3 people claimed they bought a product after seeing a how-to video. That's not bad at all.
Video Tip #3: Use Video Advertising
Video marketing is nothing if you don't use advertising as well.
Today's video ads have the potential of being even more effective than television advertising. You can create product video ads and upload them on YouTube where billions of people watch videos every single day. Also, you can upload them on Facebook, or create shorter clips for other social media platforms like Instagram or Vine.
Thanks to video ads, you will be able to increase your click-through rates.
Video Tip #4: Onboarding
Onboarding is extremely important, especially for visitors who have landed on your website for the first time, or for users who have just started using your product. If the process is easy for them to understand, then they will be more likely to stick around.
Before you go ahead and create the videos, try to imagine the onboarding experience from their perspective. This can help a lot, especially if you have a free trial for your product. You need to show the users how easy it is to use your product, its features, and also how they can benefit from it.
Video Tip #5: Using captions and subtitles
It's important you do that on YouTube, because not everyone can blast their speakers to listen to what you're saying. Also, consider they might not have their headphones on them when they're in a public/private space.
Moreover, not everyone speaks your language. This is good for SEO as well, because the content that you're going to submit matters to YouTube's search engine, and so your chances of being ranked by several keywords will increase.
Video marketing is a must in 2016
You don't need a big budget in order to create some great videos. You just need to figure out what you want to show in your videos and how to maximize the results.
Because videos show up in more than 50% of the keyword researches on Google, and almost all of them are from YouTube, it's also important to optimize them for SEO as well. But we'll talk about that in a separate article.
If you want to learn more about video marketing and the tools that will help you get started, then go ahead and download our latest white paper on this topic. You will not regret it.