How To Install Google Analytics In Thrive Themes

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Video Transcript

Hey, what's up everybody, it's Preston Miller here from I'm an online marketing expert. Today I want to show you how to add Google analytics to one of my favorite WordPress themes and plugins, Thrive Themes. It might look tricky if you've never done this before, but you really need to have Google analytics installed on your website so you know what's happening with basic analytics like how many people are visiting your website everyday, where they're coming from, what pages they're going through, and just basic stuff like that. I'm going to show you how to do that inside of Thrive Themes.

Let's go ahead and jump over to the computer here and I'll show you. If you go to my website homepage here you'll see it looks like this, but in the backend I'm actually using Thrive Themes. Here is the backend dashboard of my site, it's, I'm in the WP admin area. If you scroll down you'd go to the Thrive dashboard. Your dashboard will look something like this. It might look like a little different if you have a different theme, I'm using the FocusBlog theme. What you're going to want to do is go ahead and go in there to the theme options. Once you get in here you've got a bunch of settings that I've set up when I first installed and configured Thrive Themes. Now you're going to want to go over here to analytics and scripts. You've got this area where you can input these different scripts across your whole website. For Google analytics, let me jump over to that here. Google analytics, what's you're going to want to do is you're going to want to go into the admin area here. What you really want out of all of these is you need your tracking info. You're going to need to set up a new property that you want to track, you're going to want to go in here to tracking info. Let me zoom in and show you this, and then you're going to want to hit tracking code.


Let's go in there, and now you'll see that it has actually generated this script here. You don't want to mess with this stuff down here, this is more technical and I would not advice doing that unless you are a developer or you really know what you're doing. You want to just copy this basic script right here, so copy that, and then you want to go back over into Thrive and you can expand this. You want to put it in the header of your website, that's just best practice, and copy and paste that script right there. You can add other scripts to your website, but Google analytics should go in the header. Once you copy and paste that script you can go back out to the home tab here. After a few a minutes, it might take a little bit longer depending on your situation, but you will start to see analytics for your website. That is exactly how you install Google analytics into Thrive Themes in the backend of your WordPress dashboard.


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Picture of Preston Miller

Preston Miller

Preston is an entrepreneur, internet marketer, and blogger. He wants to share his knowledge to help you make an online income. In his free time Preston likes to work out, play guitar, and drink coffee.

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