How To Increase Blog Traffic To Your Wordpress Blog Using Squirrly

how to increase blog traffic

Everybody wants more traffic to their WordPress blog. More traffic equals more email subscribers and more customers but how exactly do you get more traffic to your site? This post will show you exactly how to increase blog traffic to your WordPress blog. The reason I say WordPress blog is because we will be using a WordPress plugin called Squirrly that will help us optimize our blog posts not only for search engines but also for people. Using this plugin we can optimize blog post content to get more website traffic. I have been secretly using this plugin for the last few months and it's now become my one of my favorite WordPress plugins I have ever used so let me show you more about how it works so you can use it for your own blog.

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How To Increase Blog Traffic with Squirrly SEO Plugin

First you have to download the free Sruirrly SEO app. Click the link here to download the 100% free Squirrly WordPress plugin. There is a paid version of the plugin but you can use it for free to test it out. Once you click the link you will be taken to this page.

[thrive_link color='green' link='' target='_blank' size='medium' align='aligncenter']Download Squirrly[/thrive_link]


download Squirrly

Once you download the plugin to your computer you will have to install it on your website. To install the plugin just log into your site's admin dashboard and click Plugins -> Add New.

wordpress plugin add new

Once You Get inside the plugin folder click the upload plugin button and then you will prompted to upload the plugin.

upload Squirrly plugin

Click the choose file button and select the downloaded copy of the Squirrly SEO plugin.

squirrly upload

Once you have the file uploaded and you see it on the left side then click Install Now to install the plugin to your website.

Install now squirrly

Now if we click the plugins tab we can see that Squirrly SEO successfully installed on our website. If you don't see the plugin listed here then you need to try the steps above again. If it still does not work then try to install the plugin via FTP.

squirrly installed on your site

Now You Can Write A New Blog Post & Optimize Them With Squirrly

Great! Now you have the plugin installed and we can use it to optimize your blog posts to get more website traffic to your site. Let's get started with the plugin. First off you will probably notice the right sidebar has become part of Squirrly and it is now interactive asking you for a keyword for your blog post.

keyword research

Now that we have chosen the keyword “blog traffic” we can see the recent discussions, exact search, competition, and trend. The reason I love Squirrly is because you can see the keyword research right inside your blog! You don't have to use some overcomplicated keyword research tool because it's included in the Squirrly tool. Please notice that the competition for my keyword is very low which is great but the exact search is also low at 210 searches per month so I will want to see what some other long tail keywords look like before I decide on a keyword for this post.
blog traffic research

I changed the keyword to “how to increase blog traffic” and now the exact search increased to 320 searches per month and the competition is still low which is favorable because the trend is steady. You are probably thinking that since that search volume is so low why would I even bother to target that keyword? Good Question! Instead of trying to rank for a keyword with tons of search volume like “blogging” for example which gets thousands of hits per month. The problem with a generic keyword like “blogging” is that people who search for blogging are looking for many different things and if they landed on this post it might not be relevant to what they want. Once we narrow the search to the current term of “how to increase blog traffic” it becomes so narrow and focused that anyone that lands on this page would be interested in learning about this post since it's 100% relevant to anyone who types those keywords into search. It' will decrease the bounce rate and users will stay longer on my website.

keyword research results

Now that you have decided on a keyword you will see the Squirrly SEO live assistant on the right side of your blog dashboard. Once you start writing your blog post you will see it start to turn green when you have optimized parts of your blog post.
live assistant

As you can see I have written parts of the blog post and it's mostly green already from normal writing.

optimizing post green color

After writing some more I see some red in the Squirrly SEO assistant all of a sudden because it live updates as you write your blog post. It's now saying that my blog post is over optimized with the word “blog”. I obviously did this on purpose but this has happened to me accidentally before. If this happens to you then you can just replace a few instances of the word with a synonym of the word.

keyword blog overused

Now that my blog post is completed I need to get it to 100% optimized but there are a couple things wrong. It says I need to use my keyword in a headline.

keyword used in headline

I crafted a headline with my keyword “how to increase blog traffic” and added it in the visual editor.

post headline

Now I need to click the text editor button to go to the code side of the blog post so I can change it to a headline tag.

text edit wordpress

Keep your cool! I know this looks messy in the backend but you can do this just find the headling you just typed and add h3 brackets to the beginning and end of your headline. Be sure to include the closing tag on the ending bracket or it will not work properly. For those of you who don't know what I mean just do it just like the picture with the <h3> at the beginning and the </h3> at the end.
headline optimized

We are getting so close to 100% optimization now we just need to use a alt image tag with our keyword.

alt image tag

Be sure to select an image that is relevant to your keyword and click the edit button so we can make an edit.image edit for keyword

Add your keyword text to the alternative text field and then click the blue update button.add image keyword here

Now your blog post is 100% Optimized! Great Job now you can enjoy the extra traffic your website will be getting from optimizing your blog posts for search is 100 percent optimized

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Now it's time to tell your story. Have you used Squirrly? Did you like it or hate it? Let me know in the comments below.



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