How to Get Started Online

A lot of you guys are a lot more advanced, but today I wanted to take the time and speak to all you beginners out there. If you're wanting to do an online business, but you're confused on where to start, what to do, how to do it, I'm going to simplify it all for you in this video. Here you go. It's not free to have a website to be on the internet. There is a cost involved, so you have to monetize that at some point. Once you get to a point where you're making enough money, you can quit your job, you can do whatever, there's a million ways to make money online.

I've got another whole post and video about that but getting started you need a website. I'm simplifying this whole thing for you. You need a website because that is an asset that you own. Get your website online, put WordPress on there, start collecting emails, start building your list, and then you can figure out how to monetize your audience with a product, or a service, even affiliate sales.

You could promote other things that are relevant to your audience. That is the basic “how to get started”. I've got tons of other videos that can help you get going, but that's it. That's all you need to do. I've simplified this whole thing. It's very confusing, I understand.

If you have any questions, leave a comment. If you're on YouTube, if you're on my website, go ahead and leave your comment there. Shoot me an email if you have any other question. It's I'd love to hear from you. As always, be sure to subscribe, whether it's email from my site, or if you're on YouTube, go ahead and hit that subscribe button because I'm making videos like this every single week in my studio here. I'll show you, look. Got this huge backdrop here that's my studio. I hope you join me again next time. Thanks so much for watching.


My Kick Ass Video Gear
Canon T6i –
128 GB Memory Card –
Rode Video Mic Go –
Softbox Light Kit –
Backdrop Support System –
Background Paper Roll –


Tools You Should Be Using
Save 20% on Web Hosting –
WordPress –
Thrive Themes –
Thrive Leads –


Picture of Preston Miller

Preston Miller

Preston is an entrepreneur, internet marketer, and blogger. He wants to share his knowledge to help you make an online income. In his free time Preston likes to work out, play guitar, and drink coffee.

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